3 Certifications Admins Should Get


Office administrators are often the heart and soul of an organization. They are the people who keep things running smoothly, and they often know more about the goings on of the company than many senior managers. They are tasked with a wide variety of responsibilities, and require a variety of skills and certifications.

Certifications can help make you more marketable and more valuable to employers. While there are an endless variety of certifications available, let’s take a look a three that will help you hone your skills and advance your career over the long-term.

1.) Microsoft Office Certification

Every admin in every organization has to use Microsoft Office. Each day, tasks will include word processing, spreadsheets, and Power Point presentations. Achieving certification can verify your skills to a prospective employer, enhancing credentials, and possibly commanding a higher salary. There is no degree requirement to pursue certification and there are three levels of certification that can be achieved – specialist, expert, and master. Since Microsoft Office is an industry standard, certification can help admins in all industries.

2.) QuickBooks Certification

Not all admins are tasked with bookkeeping, but it can make you a more valuable employee if you have the certification to use QuickBooks. Bookkeepers get sick, they go on leave, and they quit their jobs. If you can step in and pick up the slack, it will help your employer save money and keep things running smoothly during employment gaps. Bookkeeping certification can also give you an edge in the job market if you’re applying to small companies or startups, where admins have to wear many hats. QuickBooks certification is also used to train new users on the system. It will take a big burden off of the HR team and the company if, as an admin, you’re able to train new employees on the system.

3.) Business Writing Certification

Admins are tasked with composing a variety of documents from letters to reports to company newsletters. Many local colleges, career schools, and tech schools offer business writing certificates that expose students and professionals to a variety of business writing skills and styles. Obtaining a writing certification can help make you a more well-rounded admin, and will ensure that your writing skills are top-notch.

If you’re an admin in Florida looking to advance your career, connect with Cutting Edge Recruiting Solutions today. We work with some of the most dynamic companies in the state, and we help connect those companies with highly skilled admin talent. No matter what your career goals may be, we can help you reach them. For information on admin positions in South Florida, contact CERS today!

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