Your HR department is getting inundated with resumes. The Wall Street Journal estimates for each open position, there’s about 118 applicants. Over the past several years, this number has been on the rise, as HR struggles to efficiently sort through the high volume of resumes, and find the gems. The solution? For many it’s automating the screening process.
But, there’s a problem.
Recently, an HR Executive anonymously applied to a position at his own company, as an experiment, reports the Wall Street Journal. Although highly qualified, he didn’t make it through the initial screening process. What went wrong?
Are you accidently polluting your candidate pool, throwing away some of the best candidates – and letting “C” players slip through the cracks? Your screening process might be working against you, rather than for you. Find out why.
Finding the Mythical Unicorn
Before hiring an employee, most companies put together a list of detailed candidate requirements. The problem is, managers might pile on so many requirements, it’s completely impossible to get what you need most. HR is left searching for the mythical unicorn, and wasting valuable dollars in the process.
Instead, companies should create a laser focused set of requirements, including what the company needs most. For example, many managers use Google to build a job description, and it’s a chore at best. This leaves a job description that doesn’t really represent what the organization needs, leading to poor job fit.
Initial Screening, Replaced with Robots
Okay, not really robots – but screening software. Applying for jobs and increasing internal efficiency has become easier with this screening software. However, the software is operating under very specific rules. Maybe, too specific.
Talented candidates failing to include the right “keywords” will get thrown into the virtual trash during the screening process, despite their strong qualifications. We recommend using a simple screener to lead you to round one, and then return to a manual process, so you don’t lose or pollute your pool of high potential candidates.
Weeding Out the Good Candidates
With this new technology, you’re losing an entire group of qualified individuals, who haven’t mastered the art of stringing together the right keywords. It’s a whole new skill. And, some of the best candidates haven’t figured it out.
Do you need help? CERS can help evaluate your screening process – and determine if you’re polluting your own talent pool, rather than tapping into your next top performers. Are you signed up for our blog yet? Don’t miss out. Subscribe to our RSS feed and we’ll deliver upcoming “Hire This, Not That” posts conveniently to your inbox!
ERE Media, Inc. Managers Need You to Screen Out the Weakest Candidates. Retrieved 12/15/12 from
The Wall Street Journal. Software Raises Bar for Hiring. Retrieved 12/15/12 from
The Wall Street Journal. News & Trends in Management. Retrieved 12/15/12 from