34% of Managers are Wasting Time on Underperformers


Are your managers wasting valuable time managing poor performers?

Are you being held hostage by low-quality performers, because you don’t have any viable replacement options?

Or, would you like to stop wasting resources on correcting the mistakes of underperformers?

If this sounds familiar – you aren’t alone. According to a survey conducted by the Future Foundation, 34 percent of a managers’ time is spent on underperforming employees.

Jack Welch, famous for his strategy for upgrading a company’s weakest link explained that “The Team with the Best Players Wins.”

But how do you get the best players?

The Topgrading Method

Right now, you likely have a mixed bag of performers, including A, B and C players. But it’s safe to say, you’d like more As. Topgrading helps you accomplish this.

With this strategy, you complete an extensive chronological interview, which includes questions about every job, success, failure, relationships and performance appraisals of the job seeker.

After the topgrading interview, the candidate organizes reference checks with all supervisors for the past 10 years. If they can get 90% of those references to talk – the candidate may be an “A” player.

Here’s a few more items to consider, when using a topgrading strategy:

Topgrading from the top down. “A” players tend to hire and promote A’s, while B’s favor B’s and C’s select C’s. If you can put “A” players into leadership positions, the effect will trickle down.

Permit only A players to hire and promote. Train your best managers in topgrading methods.

Measure success. Assign small teams to carefully judge whether the person hired or promoted evolves into an “A” player.

Would you like more “A” players on your team? For most companies, the answer is yes! So, what’s holding you back – lack of viable replacement options, not having enough time to find the best players – or training issues? Regardless of the challenge, CERS can help. Plus, we offer the best guarantees in the industry. Call or email us today for a free assessment and quote at 561-910-8000.

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