Want to Reach 73 Percent of People, to Promote your Job Openings? Leverage Social Media…
10 years ago, recruiters placed an ad – and waited for resumes to slowly arrive. Fortunately, things have changed. First, with online job boards…spreading the word much faster. And now, with something totally new; which has transformed the recruiting landscape.
It’s social media.
For 2012, companies are forecasted to use social media to recruit candidates for 80 percent of job openings. This tool not only helps you recruit more efficiency – but allows you to build your company’s recruiting brand. Not sure why using social media is important? Or, unsure how to get started? Read on for a few helpful tips.
Why Social Media?
Companies and recruiters are using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to locate the right candidates. Social media is a global phenomenon.
But, you might be wondering, why use social media…rather than just placing a job ad? Good question. Here’s why. Social media attracts candidates who haven’t applied to specific job openings.
About 73 percent of internet users have at least one social media account, according to Forrester Research. In fact, social networks are more popular than email. This exposes your company to more potential candidates – helping you find the right person for the job easier. This also drives down your cost of vacancy.
Social Media Reach
The number of potential job seekers using social media is surprising. For example, LinkedIn, a professional networking site, is used by 7.4 million unique visitors, according to comScore MediaMetrix Key Measures.
Through this site, you can target work experience keywords, job title, education and even location. It allows you to tap into job seekers, who aren’t actively seeking employment – and wouldn’t otherwise be available to your company.
There’s also Twitter, which allows you to build your company’s brand and spread information quickly. Twitter has about 19 million unique visitors, according to Mashable.com. Through this site, you can engage potential job seekers, and build your brand, through tweeting and sharing relevant content.
And last, but not least, there’s Facebook. This is the 2nd highest trafficked website in the world. The site has 75 million users in the U.S. and 300 million users worldwide! About 50 percent of the site’s users return daily; spending about an hour on the site.
Plus, they have over 2 million career-related groups. But, how should you use Facebook? Create a targeted home page and ads to share the word about open positions. You can also secure a “featured employer” spot – and have dialog with potential job seekers on your brand page.
Build a Progressive Brand
About 43 percent of people online, trust information posted by people they know through other sources, such as social media. Use this to your advantage. But, how should you build your recruiting brand through social media? Motivate your existing employees to boost your brand. Create a program to engage talent, boost employee advocacy and engagement, through this medium.
Plus, using social media tells prospective employees, you’re progressive…and keeping up with trends. Unsure how to set up or use social media for recruiting? Let us help. Through special programs, like our fractional program, you can tap into the best social media resources in the market, at a fraction of the cost.
Ready to find the best talent, through social media? Is so, you’re making a smart decision. Social media is a highly effective recruiting tool. Plus, don’t forget to stay connected, to some of the most pressing topics for your business. Subscribe to our RSS feed today! When you sign up, we’ll deliver this valuable information conveniently to your inbox.
Personified. Social Media for Culture, Branding and Recruitment. Retrieved 5/9/12 from https://www.slideshare.net/melissakmurray/social-media-for-culture-branding-and-recruitment