How to Use Social Networking to Succeed in IT


Social networking can be a valuable tool for IT professionals interested in enriching and advancing their careers. However, it is important to use the tools strategically in order to ensure you’re getting the most from your efforts.

Here are some tips on how to use social networking to succeed in IT:

Professional Profiles Only

IT professionals can certainly use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, but be sure your privacy settings are set correctly in order to keep your personal life separate from your professional profiles.

If you use LinkedIn, be sure that you’ve got a professional-looking headshot and that your updates are limited to tech topics. If your Twitter profile is public, be sure to scrub it of anything that could be considered personal or unprofessional. Remember, your social profiles reflect your public brand, so you must manage them with care and focus.

Join Relevant Groups

Joining a professional organization can be expensive, time consuming, and it requires lots of socializing with strangers. Social networking is much more passive. Join industry related groups and participate in the online discussions that you find there. You’ll meet interesting and intelligent people, and you’ll be more “plugged in” to the greater tech community.

Thought Leadership

Whatever your long-term goals may be, establishing yourself online as a thought leaders can help take your career to new heights over time. By demonstrating that you are on top of the latest trends in the industry, you’ll begin to establish a reputation as someone to go to for answers. This can not only elevate your standing in the tech community at large, but it can open the door for speaking and writing opportunities, and it gives tech recruiters a good idea of your true passion for your work.

Connect With Recruiters

Recruiters love social networking sites. They are able to tap into an endless network of qualified candidates for their client organizations. If a recruiter wants to connect on social media, accept the offer. It doesn’t mean you have to sign your life away, it just means that the recruiter is interested in learning more about you. Perhaps she saw your insightful blog posts, or was impressed with your answers in a forum. You never know. On social media, always remain friendly and open to new opportunities.

If you’re an IT professional looking to advance your career, connect with Cutting Edge Recruiting Solutions today. We work with some of the most dynamic companies in Florida, and we help connect them with highly skilled IT talent. No matter what your goals may be, we can help you reach them. For information on IT jobs in Boca, contact CERS today!

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