Challenges of an IT Startup in Florida: An Entrepreneurial Perspective


Getting a startup off the ground is never an easy feat. No matter where an enterprise is located, there are unique challenges that face business owners attempting to launch a new endeavor. For all of its advantages, Florida is no exception to this rule. Though there are many startups cropping up each year, entrepreneurs in the state could benefit from some changes in the business ecosystem when it comes to helping their businesses grow and thrive.

Stronger Public-Private Partnerships

Recently, Susan Amat, the chair of Startup Florida told the Miami Herald, “Public-private partnerships are key to making the ecosystem grow.” While this is true, it should also be noted that successfully navigating the bureaucracy and red tape of the public sector is difficult for many startup organizations. It will not be enough just to set up public-private partnerships, but it will be necessary to help startups learn to speak the language of the public sector, so that they can take advantage of these unique opportunities as they arise.

Preparing the Next Generation of Talent

The Miami Herald also spoke with Nicolai Bezsonoff, co-founder and COO of .CO Internet who said, “We love Miami but it’s tough. What Miami-Dade, Susan [Amat] and Launch Pad are doing [opening a tech accelerator] is great, but there has to be more of that. You need to get the talent, you need to get the schools to start teaching front-end development and design, things that are much more practical.”

Bezsonoff makes a strong point – colleges are the key to training the next generation of tech superstars, but there are several programs in Florida that do teach practical skills to students. However many entrepreneurs – especially those who are new to the Florida tech market – simply don’t know where to look. It could behoove startups looking for IT talent to seek out partnerships with strategic IT recruiters to help connect them with professionals who possess the skills they need to foster innovation.

Letting the Rest of the Country Know About South Florida’s Tech Market

When asked to identify his biggest challenge as an entrepreneur in South Florida, David Clarke, CEO and co-founder of BGT Partners, told Florida reporters that national awareness was the most prominent roadblock standing in the way of startups today. He said, “Some of the world’s most impactful digital work is coming from this market,” and Clarke wants to see more attention given to that work.

It is true that those living outside of South Florida may not be aware of the digital culture that exists in Miami and beyond. Some industry insiders have been watching, but Florida does not get the same media attention as Silicon Valley, New York, or even Boston. Well-strategized national media outreach to both technology publications and nontechnology media outlets could help to shed more of a spotlight on the great things happening in South Florida.

Creating Strategic Partnerships For Success

Startups have a better chance of surviving and thriving in the South Florida market when they create strategic partnerships with other companies who can help them tap into the resources they need to succeed. At CERS, we work with South Florida companies of all sizes, helping them connect with some of the top tech talent in the region and beyond. We also provide hiring consulting services to help our clients create solid plans to cultivate the teams that will take them to the next level. If you are an entrepreneur running a growing startup in South Florida, contact us today to start a conversation. We’d love to partner with you.

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