Are You Seeking A Higher ROI On Your Workforce Investment?

CERS Is Your Partner In Cost Containment and Profit Enhancement

Employers across the U.S. are experiencing unprecedented challenges in today’s marketplace. The current economic situation, globalization, and rapidly evolving technology are forcing changes in short and long term business strategies.

Federal and state employment laws are becoming increasingly complex. To make things worse, government agencies are facing their own set of cutbacks if they don’t step up the frequency and profitability of audits. These factors have created a new playing field for companies of all sizes.

Are You Focused On The Future?

What steps will you take to reduce your employment costs, limit your risk, and increase your profitability in this new business environment? Perhaps you have a clear set of objectives already in mind and need a strategic partner to help you realize them.

Or, you might still be missing critical pieces of the puzzle when it comes to crafting a successful plan for the future of your business. Cutting Edge Recruiting Solutions is ready to advise and assist you with customized advice and practical solutions you can implement immediately.

Minimize Your Fixed Expenses

Human capital represents one of your highest ongoing expenses. A reliable, fast, and effective contingent staffing program can reduce your fixed employment costs by providing additional labor when you need it. This permits a reduction in permanent positions to those that are necessary for your base level of operation. With ready access to temporary workers, your overtime costs for existing employees will also be controlled.

Maintaining in-house experts or paying retainers and excessive fees for the services of a consultant can eat into your profits. CERS provides access to skilled contractors on an as-needed basis. This allows you to complete projects that are critical to your growth and success – even with a reduced budget.

Control Rising Costs

With benefits becoming more and more costly, the use of temporary contract workers is one solution to controlling this expense. CERS can also offer limited benefits to full-time employees you choose to lease over the long-term. This permits you to reserve your more extensive benefit programs for your core workforce.

Your exposure to increases in unemployment insurance premiums is also reduced through use of the CERS options; unemployment claims made by former CERS associates don’t affect your rating.

Eliminate Inefficiencies

CERS has the resources and experience to take on many recurring functions such as recruiting, talent selection, payroll and benefits administration for your business. These are available at reduced costs when compared to performing the same tasks in-house. If you are serious about focusing on strategic business objectives, this type of outsourcing offers you the freedom to pursue your goals.

Use Cutting Edge Recruiting Solutions Strategically

There are many goal-oriented benefits associated with the strategic use of staffing services from CERS. The key to developing a successful staffing strategy is to ask, “What are my company’s goals, and which services can help me reach those goals?” Work with one of our recruitment experts to answer these questions, and you’ll soon be on your way to realizing more of your business goals and maximizing the value of your staffing investment.

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If you need assistance from a staffing and recruiting agency in South Florida, there are a few more steps to take than to just say “I need administrative assistants / customer service reps / software developers!” 


Yes, a staffing firm can help you save time and money while making it easier to find the qualified people you need to succeed, but great staffing results are largely a result of maximizing your relationship with your staffing vendor.

This informative white paper will detail the necessary steps to boost your hiring processes, retain employees, and ultimately boost productivity and revenue.

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